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About Haddon Heights Field Hockey Club

In 2005, Shannon Parkinson had a vision for a field hockey recreational program for girls in grades 3-8 in the town of Haddon Heights.  She asked two friends and fellow field hockey players, Wendy VanFossen and Jackie Valvardi, to join her in making this vision come to fruition.   The three worked hard applying for grants and asking local organizations for donations, and in the fall of 2005 the first season started with 58 girls wanting to learn to play the sport of field hockey. 

Fast forward to 2025, twenty years later, we now offer Fall clinic and travel programs, Spring skills and drills clinics, and Summer camp clinics. It all began with 1 person’s vision, 3 people’s hard work and now with a heavy heart, our last two founders have officially retired from the program. As much as we will miss them, we honor them by keeping their legacy alive. We can happily say that we are 20 years strong…and still growing!

Thank you to Shannon and Jackie and everyone else who has graced us with their time, ideas, and heart! We will continue to speak and spread the love of the sport of field hockey!



Get Involved!

Do you love field hockey? Garnets Field Hockey is currently accepting new volunteers who wish to share the joy and passion they have for the sport of field hockey with girls in our community. We offer programs all year round for girls in grades K-8! Please contact us at [email protected] to inquire about any of the positions below.

Volunteer Positions Currently Available:

  • Coaches
  • Assistant Coaches
  • Coordinators
  • Board Members



Board Members


President Amber Gordy 
Vice President     
Kelly Roche
Secretary Katie Durkin
Treasurer Katie Durkin
 WebmasterBreanna Ratkevic
 Equipment Stefanie Clune
 FundraisingMegan Cormier
 Members at Large Melody Mavromates, Lauren Chestnut
 General Members Alisa White, Alexa Logan, Colleen Dougherty, Jasmine Harper, Allison Dillion

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